daily bardo

  • daily goals of march.

    March has been a month of incremental daily goals for me.

    Daily blogging.

    Daily drawing.

    Daily fitness.

    Daily eating better.

    Daily doing the things I know I should be doing to go to bed each night feeling accomplished.

    With just a couple days left in March I’m on track to say it’s been a very successful month for doing daily things and getting those things done each day.

    I’m slightly happier. Slightly better at painting. Slightly wiser. And (actually more than) slightly thinner than when the month started.

    Incrementally, March has been a good month.

  • standard irons

    The Kid made dinner tonight. She cooked up the recipe we had planned, but even so a delicious turkey stroganoff was no trivial feat. Mid-way through cooking she casually remarked…

    “Every time I cook dinner it seems like I use this pan.”

    She was cooking in our Staub 4 quart Braiser, a great wide and all-purpose pan I picked up a couple years ago and has become one of our standard cast iron pieces used multiple times every week for cooking almost everything and anything.

    “It’s a good pan, that’s why.” I replied.

    “I know.” She said. “It’s just funny that I always use it.”


  • last pot, first pot

    This morning I woke up as usual and made myself a pot of coffee.

    It was the last pot of coffee, at least the last pot in my old trusty drip machine, a simple and economical model bought for me as a gift by my wife sometime between fifteen and twenty years ago. Over those years it has made me countless pots, but today was the last one.

    Later on in the morning the doorbell rang and the new coffee machine that I’d ordered nearly two weeks ago using reward points was delivered with a smile and a signature.

    I washed it up, plugged it in, and brewed a fresh pot of coffee. It is brand new, fresh from the factory, and until today was sealed up in a box waiting to do it’s job: make me a pot of coffee. It had never brewed one before today, but today was the first.

    Tomorrow I’ll wake up as usual and make myself a pot of coffee, but that coffee won’t be from my usual machine.

  • pathfinding.

    Sunday runday, and sometimes I forget that most people are less inquisitive than I am.

    Today we, eight of us, ran six kilometers outbound to satisfy my curiosity. I had thought I saw a new trail off on the side of the road as I passed by in my car on the freeway. I wasn’t sure. “Does anyone want to go look?”

    We ran six klicks outbound, found a bit of new asphalt laid down in the fall just prior to the snowfall, and now cleaned and clear in the Sunday spring sunshine.

    A new future route, but not today. Today we just turned and ran that same six klicks back to the shed.

    Curiosity. Inquisitiveness. Pathfinding.

    Where would these guys run without me, huh?

  • roasted chickpeas

    In my never-ending search for healthy snacks, I got it into my head to roast some spiced chickpeas this afternoon. A bit of garlic, paprika, cayenne pepper and salt and into the oven on a baking sheet for about 25 minutes.

    Crunchy. Salty. Spicy.


    Where have these things been all my life?