Short: Dusting

The inevitable happened.

We woke up this morning to the first snow of the season.

True, it wasn’t much more than a light dusting, bits of white clustered onto the outdoor furniture and holding stubbornly onto the shady places in the still-green grass.

But it was snow.

Just a little bit.

Though enough to signal the end of something, and the start of something else.

Something a lot chillier.

How to Draw; a Poem

I’ve been doing a lot of sketching and watercolour in my free time. I won’t claim that it’s anything amazing … not yet … but I’m enjoying my newfound hobby and I feel like I’m starting to see the world in one of two ways, things that I could paint or things that I would like to figure out how to paint.

In the meantime, I had some inspiration for some words, rather than pictures.

blank canvas
rugged fibrous texture
page coil bound bookish

leaden tipped
loosely gripped anglar
shapes hinting forms sketched

permanently black
deliberate lines etched
images tracing weighty details

wetted brush
hues dappled pigments
colours bouyant imitating universes

– bardo

I have reserved some space on this blog each week to be creative, and to post some fiction, poetry, art or prose. Writing a daily blog could easily get repetitive and turn into driveling updates. Instead, Wordy Wednesdays give me a bit of a creative nudge when inspiration strikes.

Fall Colours

During my exhausting trail half marathon this past weekend I may have tired myself out good and proper, but I managed to keep enough mental focus to nab some photos of my adventures through the autumn foliage.

Of course when one is running an epic wilderness race carrying proper camera equipment is out of the question.

I did have my smartphone, tho.

And when opportunity permitted I tugged it from the side pocket of my hydration vest and paused for a moment to nab some photos.



four hundred and sixty
meters per second
tracking a prograde elliptical orbit
an average of nearly
one hundred and fifty million kilometers
around a nuclear fireball
seven hundred thousand kilometers wide
a wet ball of rock
barely sixty three hundred kilometers thick
askew on her axis
twenty-three degrees
touches a mathematical moment
briefly marking the progress through
cold space against
ever-shifting durations of light upon
her surface
nudging atmospheric variations
triggering biological changes
bridging annual manipulations
of air and water and life
marked by words we simply call

– bardo

I have reserved some space on this blog each week to be creative, and to post some fiction, poetry, art or prose. Writing a daily blog could easily get repetitive and turn into driveling updates. Instead, Wordy Wednesdays give me a bit of a creative nudge when inspiration strikes.