It only makes sense that a guy who cooks on cast iron, spends time in the outdoors and enjoys cooking clean, simple food would also be into vintage books, right?
I decided that I want to read more in 2023.
I want do do a lot of things in 2023, but reading is something that is pretty achievable.
Book. Quiet. Go.
That said, books are getting expensive. (Grumpy old man alert!) For example, I bought myself a few of the Witcher novels for a Black Friday sale and even discounted they still cost me something like $18 each for paperbacks. And while I love the library, I’ve always been something of a slow, scattershot-type reader and tend to need to renew every book two or three times, or I end up returning it and never finishing it. I also got into e-books for a while but have resorted back to the tactile paper novel for things that are not work-related.
So, spend a lot of money on books? Read less? Ugh! What’s a guy to do?
One solution: I was at the local used bookshop on my lunch break the other day. I was hunting for something very specific, but then on a whim started picking out other books that caught my eye…. books that fit a particular set of characteristics:
- They were all science fiction
- Based on copyright dates, every one of them were written and published before was old enough to really get into reading proper novels, so say mid-80s and prior vintage stuff,
- Each of them plot summarized some absolute cheese, camp, cornball, classic sci fi (which is kinda my vibe recently)
- None were going to cost me more than $3 per book… used of course
In other words, I had the makings of a 2023 project in my hands, right there at the cash register.
The Three Dollar Book Club was born.
How many of these old campy books from the last century could I read through this year?
Would people be interested in semi-serious reviews of corny old books?
When could I start reading?
What I’m trying to say is that if you’re the kind of person who cooks on cast iron, spends time in the outdoors and enjoys cooking clean, simple food … are you also, maybe into vintage books? Or at least, into reading about a guy who finds himself with a small stack of three dollar used novels from the seventies and eighties?
If so, you might be in the right place. Stay tuned.