December 27 of 31 December-ish posts
What do you want the world to look like in the future?
The past is behind us. The present is fleeting. The future is what you make it.
What do you think the world will be like 25 years in the future?
Every day I get up and think about my day.
No, really…
I’ve been journaling in the mornings.
I keep what most would call a bullet journal, which by any standard is just point form writing and notetaking that is mostly about making lists that are about three things: the past, the present and the future.
I make point form notes about things that already happened, blurbs about how much I slept, exercised, or stressed about things. I write about what I read with brevity. I comment on the movies we watched last night or the food we ate yesterday.
I build lists of stuff I’m thinking about right now. I note how I’m feeling in the present and comment with a few quick words on my place in the flow of the moment. I put myself into the now and capture the instant with an insight or two to remind myself that it happened at all.
I plan ahead for tomorrow, next week and next year. I plot out projects and jot down to do lists of how I want to accomplish things in the future.
I do all these things to ground myself in the universe.
All that said, I haven’t written about anything so far in the future as twenty five years away.
What do you want the world to look like in 25 years?
Do you even think about it. Do you plan for tomorrow? Next week? Or maybe next year?
Have you thought about what the world will be like a quarter of a century from now?
I do, sometimes. Maybe I should start a bullet list for that.