Sunday Runday, and I didn’t.
For a whole week I’ve been sidelined by a heel ailment that I’ve self-diagnosed as a touch of plantar fasciitis, or runner’s heel.
Them feets!
The thing is that I’m supposed to run a half marathon in a little more than a month.
The thing is that I need to keep in half marathon shape while not exacerbating an injury that could take a couple weeks to recover.
Them feets!
The thing is I’m a stubborn guy and I’m having trouble sitting it out. Resting. Healing.
I have a stationary bike in my basement tho, so while my running crew plodded out on the winter trails I descended to my little exercise space and spun out twenty klicks of aerobic fitness.
Them feets!
Then I met the runners for coffee where we can actually, finally, go inside and sit for a bit at the local recreation centre, proof of vaccination required, and all in all not quite back to normal, but close enough.
The countdown is on to race day and I’ll cross that finish line, hell or high water. Right now, tho, it might be with a limp rather than a leap.